Wednesday 29 January 2014

Multitasking: Are Women Better Than Men?

A study led by an Indian-origin scientist has found that women are good at multitasking than men. On the other hand,men are more likely better at learning and performing a single task at hand. Ragini Verma, associate professor in the department of radiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues have found that men are more likely better at learning and performing a single task at hand like cycling or navigating directions.

Whereas, women have superior memory and social cognition skills, making them more equipped for multitasking and group work, said a university press release. "These maps show us a stark difference and complementarity in the architecture of the human brain that helps provide a potential neural basis as to why men excel at certain tasks and women at others," Ragini Verma said. The scientists have found that the neural wiring difference between male and female brains could explain why men are better at map reading.

The researchers studied 949 individuals (521 females and 428 males) aged 8 to 22 years, using diffusion tensor imaging, a water-based imaging technique that can trace and highlight the fibre pathways connecting the different regions of the brain, laying the foundation for a structural network of the whole brain. Whether it is in your office or in your home, multitasking has its own benefits. Here are some advantages of trying multitasking.

Multitasking: Are Women Better Than Men?
Multitasking: Are Women Better Than Men? 

Save time: One of the most important benefits of multitasking is that it will help you save time. Women with multitasking ability can make use of this. Multitasking can be utilized by women better than men in their household jobs. Instead of doing one thing after the other, you can try doing them at the same time with proper planning and preparation.

Save money: If you are a working woman, multitasking can help you a lot in saving money by saving time. Women with multitasking ability can decrease the number of employers because women are better than men in multitasking. You can save money by decreasing your working hours as well.

Increased productivity: Increased productivity is another direct benefit that can be experienced by women with multitasking ability. You can get this in not only in your workplace, but also in your household works. Women can try implementing multitasking in their daily routine works because women are better than men in multitasking.

No procrastination: Procrastination is a common problem that many working women face. You can successfully say goodbye to procrastination if you are a woman with multitasking ability. Women are better than men in reducing procrastination because of their ability to concentrate in different works at the same time. This will make you successful in your workplace.

Stimulates creativity: The ability to switch back and forth to different tasks will help increase your creativity. Women with multitasking ability are successful in handling their works with a high rate of productivity. Works which demand more creativity can be done by women, because women are better than men in this.

Time management: Women with multitasking ability are the best in handling time in its perfect way. The only thing to keep in mind is that you have to aim at perfection in each job. Doing many things together needs a little patience and attention in which women are better than men.

More free time: Nothing can make a working woman happier than getting some extra free time. If you are a woman with multitasking ability, you can easily find some free time to spend on other matters that you are interested. 

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