Tuesday 27 August 2013

How To Get Pregnant With A Healthy Baby

Most couples are conscious about family planning to control birth of children, but not aware about the fact that planning is more important in getting pregnant as well. A well-planned pregnancy with all the preconception care will help in avoiding pregnancy related complications and give you a healthy baby. The food we eat, the environment we live and the lifestyle we lead have changed tremendously which results in an increased risk of miscarriage, still birth, congenital abnormalities and premature delivery. So include pregnancy planning also in your family planning schedule.

All couples take good care from the first day they get a positive pregnancy test result but, a baby's organs begin to form in the first few weeks of pregnancy, before you may know that you are pregnant. So the more planning you do, the greater you contribute to health of your baby.  So start taking the first step for pregnancy planning now because only a healthy couple can give birth to a mentally and physically healthy baby.

Importance of pregnancy planning:
·         Conceive more easily
·         Minimum  pregnancy complications
·         Give birth to a healthier baby
·         Recover more quickly and easily after giving birth
·         Minimize risk of health problems in future both in mother and baby
In this article, I am focusing on some important and effective ways of pregnancy planning to boost up your chance to conceive a healthy baby.

1.     Decide when do you want your baby:
First step in your planning schedule is to decide when you want to have a baby. Don't think you will try for a baby when all financial or professional situations come in a line which will delay your chance of getting pregnant. After the age of 35, the fertility of women decreases with greater chance of giving birth to baby with genetic abnormalities like downs syndrome. If you are in your 30s don’t wait too long to get a baby bump particularly if you want more than one child. The likelihood of pregnancy depends mostly on maternal age rather than paternal age because the number or concentration of sperm remains relatively constant for them. 

2.     Follow healthy diet and lifestyle
Your chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy are better if you and your partner are as healthy as possible. It's ideal to go into pregnancy with good dietary habits already in place. Food rich in folic acids are highly recommended.  A nutritious, well-balanced diet is very important to stay healthy which includes eating a variety of the following foods.

·         Plenty of fruit and vegetables
·         Starchy foods, which includes bread, pasta, rice and potatoes
·         Protein, such as lean meat, fish, beans and lentils
·         Fiber rich food like wholegrain, fruit and vegetables
·         Dairy foods, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, which are a good source of calcium
·         Drink enough fluids every day, but limit your intake of caffeine-containing drinks

Studies suggest that some men with low sperm count also have zinc deficiency. Meat, wholegrain cereals, seafood, and eggs are high in zinc and could increase your fertility. Along with healthy food habits, both partners should follow a good lifestyle. Avoid alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, and quit smoking tobacco. Stop taking medicines without prescription as this may harm the baby.

3.     Maintain a healthy weight

 This is one of the most important factors to be in concern. It's a good idea to reach your ideal body weight before you get pregnant. Aiming for a healthy weight will increase your chances of ovulation. It is proven that polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients come out with tremendous improvement after reducing their body weight. Reducing weight is the first step you can take to correct hormonal imbalances. A healthy body mass index (BMI) for adult women is between 19 and 25. Being underweight and overweight has corresponding complications. Yoga and exercise is helpful for all women to maintain a healthy body and mind.

4.     Be a medically fit couple
Any medical condition of both partners that can affect your pregnancy should be diagnosed and treated before starting your pregnancy. Reasons for irregular period should be diagnosed and corrected. Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is found to be the most important reason of sterility in women. Have a pre-pregnancy checkup with your health care provider for diabetes, blood pressure variations, hemoglobin and thyroid hormone. Be sure that you are up to date on all immunizations. In some cases, your health care provider might recommend adjusting your medication or other treatments before the pregnancy. 
Health of man is also important because certain diseases like cause mumps, diabetes, Hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections, cancer and HIV can affect your chances for making pregnancy and a healthy baby.

5.     Stop contraception
Once you decide to become pregnant, stopping contraception gives more doubts than selecting one especially those who are on contraceptive pills. But don’t worry. When you stop using contraception, your periods and fertility will return to normal. If you’ve been taking birth control pills, usually ovulation is possible as soon as two weeks after you stop taking the pill, but it may take longer for some women.  Getting pregnant very soon after stopping hormonal contraception is safe as it will not harm your baby.

6.     Know when to have sex
Women have chances of getting pregnant only once in a month. Having intercourse throughout a month is not the way. Having sex at the right time when you release an egg (ovulation) is the effective one to make you pregnant .This will happen only once in a menstrual cycle.  The most active sperm will fertilize this egg. Having sex during your fertile window is the most important way to get pregnant. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, consult a gynecologist and treat it without delay.

Day of ovulation
 If you're one of the many women who have a 28-day cycle, there's a good chance you will ovulate on day 14. If you have a 35 day cycle you are most likely to ovulate on day 21. Consider the first day of your period as Day 1. Sperm can live for two to three days, but the egg survives around for only 12 to 24 hours. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is important to have intercourse more than once around the time of ovulation. A good approach is to have sex on alternate days .6 days prior to ovulation and 6 days after ovulation are the most important days to have sex because the day of ovulation is difficult to predict. But of course there are some techniques to calculate and find out your day of ovulation.

How to know the day of ovulation

a) Basal Body Temperature

You won't feel the change, but a few days after you ovulate, your basal body temperature (BBT) rises. Use a thermometer for measurement and draw a chart with day on X-axis and temperature on Y-axis to track this. Before the ovulation, your BBT probably ranges from 97.2 to about 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit.  The day before the temperature starts increasing is the most likely day of ovulation which shows a dip in temperature. Two or three days after you ovulate, hormonal changes cause a rise of 0.4 to 1.0 degree in your BBT. Charting BBT once may not help, but charting it for a few months will give you a clear picture about the day of your ovulation. If you are getting pregnant your BBT will stay elevated throughout your pregnancy. 

b) Vaginal discharge

The discharge you will be tracking is cervical mucus which changes throughout your cycle. For most of the month, you may feel dry. But as you approach ovulation, you will notice much more cervical mucus which is clear and stretchy like raw egg white. If you have sex on a day when you have fertile cervical mucus, you are more likely to conceive.

c) Hormone analysis
The amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) is what measured here. An increase in this hormone means that one  of your ovaries will soon release an egg. Most women ovulate 12-48 hours after detecting an LH surge.  Ovulation prediction kits based on hormone analysis are available in market.

7.     Take Folic acid supplement
Take food rich in folic acid regularly. Your gynecologist will suggest that you take folic acid as a supplement. Folic acid is a member of the vitamin B family and is needed for baby’s development in the early weeks of pregnancy. It is good to take folic acid from 3 months before getting pregnant. Wondering why so early? The baby's neural tube which becomes the brain and spinal cord develops during the first month of pregnancy, when you may not even know that you are pregnant. Folic acid help producing healthy ovum, avoid miscarriage and prevent serious abnormalities of brain and nerves of baby.

8.     Make work atmosphere safe
Working conditions and atmosphere should be satisfactorily safe for both partners. Any exposure to chemicals or radiations that may affect your fertility should be avoided. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, continuous exposure to  pesticides, chemical fertilizers, lead, nickel, mercury, chromium, ethylene glycol ethers, petrochemicals, benzene, perchloroethylene and radiation can lower sperm quality, quantity and possibly lead to infertility or miscarriage.

9.     Keep good emotional health
Emotional health is a state of well-being. The realization that you are going to become a parent can be an exciting feeling which can make you happy and at the same time tensed. Your emotional health is very important during your pregnancy and emotions such as stress and anxiety can affect your baby’s developing body and brain. Keep family bonds strong and friend circle wide. Happy faces all around will definitely keep you positive towards a pregnancy.

10.    Seek medical advice
One year is a satisfactory time for a couple who had regular intercourse to get a positive pregnancy test and congratulations from all around. If you are not one among them, don’t wait too long to consult a doctor.
Kissing the chubby cheek and touching the feather like foot of a baby is the most wonderful feeling that you can ever experience. Be positive and plan your pregnancy today.

Asha Das 

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