Saturday 15 June 2013

Types Of Nicotine Replacement Therapy

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There are lots of people who want and take resolution to get rid of their killing habit of using nicotine. But most of them find it impossible or difficult to accomplish the resolution. This is because of certain withdrawal difficulties that they have to face and overcome at the beginning. In this case, a medical supervision can do great help for you. There are many treatment measures involved to stop the use of nicotine and to managing the withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine replacement therapy is one among them.

Nicotine replacement therapy is designed with the use of products that provide low doses of nicotine, but do not contain the toxins found in smoke. This will help to relieve you from the craving for nicotine and will manage and control the associated withdrawal symptoms. Here we may discuss some commonly used types of nicotine replacement therapies.

Types Of Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine gum
Nicotine is supplied to the body in the form of gum.  Chew the gum slowly until the taste is strong to release the nicotine in it.  Keeping it between the cheek and the gum will allow absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream. Gradually you should reduce the number of gums per day and eventually stop it completely. Nicotine gum is one of the easiest ways of nicotine replacement therapy.

Nicotine patches
Nicotine is released into the bloodstream from a patch that is stuck onto the skin. Patches are discreet, and easy to apply. Different patches contain nicotine in different strengths. Gradually reduce the strength of the patch over time before stopping it completely. The disadvantage of patches is the constant supply of fixed amounts of nicotine and skin irritation beneath.

Nicotine inhaler
This resembles the use of a cigarette itself. Nicotine cartridges are inserted into cigarettes, and are inhaled exactly in the same way as you smoke. Use cartridges based on your carvings and then gradually reduce over weeks. Nicotine inhaler will help you if you miss the hand-to-mouth movements of smoking.

Nicotine tablets
Nicotine tablets are used for nicotine replacement therapy, but are not actually meant for swallowing. You have to keep the tablets under your tongue. The tablet will dissolve and the nicotine will be absorbed through the mouth into the bloodstream. Nicotine tablets are easy to use and comfortable.

Nicotine sprays
The nicotine is absorbed easily into bloodstream if they are in spray form. Nasal spray and mouth spray  will result in the rapid increase of nicotine in your blood like the same way that it happens during smoking. This may help to relieve your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Side-effects such as nose and throat irritation, coughing, and watering eyes may occur in some users.


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