Monday 24 June 2013

Tips To Maintain Good Reproductive Health

Maintaining good reproductive health is very essential for both men and women. There are many external and internal factors that may affect your reproductive health. Good reproductive health has a direct relationship with your overall health status. Reproductive health should be good for being fertile with healthy ovum and sperm. It is better to maintain a good reproductive health  that going before infertility treatments later.

Good reproductive health will keep you fertile. A couple with proper reproductive health will be lucky with the best chances to have a healthy baby as well.Good reproductive health depends on diet, lifestyle, medical conditions, occupational exposures and many more. Reproductive health problems can even affect your life with the associated emotional stress and anxiety.

Knowing what all things you have to do to keep your reproductive system healthy is important. At the same time, it is imperative to know the factors that may affect your reproductive functions. Knowing these will help you to avoid those risks.  Here are some points that should be remembered to keep a good reproductive health.

Tips To Maintain Good Reproductive Health

Diet: Diet has an important role in keeping your reproductive health. Avoid fast foods as most of the additives and preservatives in those will affect your fertility. Go for fresh meat, fish and vegetables rather than processed ready-meals. Prefer healthy snacks like fruit and nuts rather than chocolate and crisps.

Medical advice: If you find any symptoms that indicate a problem with your reproductive system, it is important to seek medical advice. Detecting and identifying any problem in its early stage will help you to correct it at the earliest.

Be medically fit: There are lots of medical conditions that may affect your reproductive health. Conditions that may affect your reproductive health include diabetes, thyroid problems, anatomical problems and malnutrition. Keeping those conditions in control will help you to improve your overall health as well as reproductive health.

Quit smoking:If you want to keep a good reproductive health, you should definitely quit smoking. Smoking will affect the reproductive system of both men and women. Smoking can clog arteries and it can cause vasospasm. These two conditions will ultimately result in erectile dysfunction in males.

No alcohol:Staying away from consuming alcohol will not only keep your overall health in good condition, but also will keep your reproductive health. Alcohol will directly and indirectly act and affect the hypothalamus in the brain, the pituitary gland and the ovaries and testes.  Alcohol reduces the amount of testosterone in the blood as well.

Healthy weight:Maintaining a correct weight is very important than it seems. Increased weight can affect your hormone balance and impair fertility. Exercising regularly will help you to maintain a good reproductive health. It will correct most of the medical conditions that are associated with overweight in both men and women.

Yoga:Practicing yoga is an excellent way to keep a good reproductive health. It will help to keep proper balance between your mind and body, thereby keeping your overall health and reproductive health. There are yoga poses which will keep your reproductive system healthy.

Lifestyle: Your lifestyle has a direct effect on your reproductive health. Your work environment and nature of work may affect your reproductive health. Smoking, excessive recreational drug, alcohol or steroid will have bad impact on you. Keep your lifestyle healthy and have a good reproductive health.

Avoid occupational hazards: Occupational hazards are the most important reason for most of the male infertility cases. Avoid exposure to radiation, chemicals and constant or excess heat. Avoid Exposure to chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and industrial solvents as it will affect your reproductive health.


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